May 19, 1997
Tony Howard, Safety Supervisor
Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon
P. O. Box 1300
Portland, Oregon 97207
Dear Mr. Howard:
This is in response to your April 3, 1997 letter seeking additional guidance
on the intent offlagging on wire rope top rails. The August 9, 1994 Federal
Register states that 29 CFR1926.502(b)(9), requiring top rails made of
wire rope to be flagged every 6 feet or less withhighly visible material,
was adopted for the sake of visibility. The 6 foot or less spacingrequirement
for the flags was adopted in order to maintain consistency with other
standards. Itwas noted at the time of adoption that flagging of wire rope
is a common industry practice.
Keeping in mind the thoughts that went into the writing of the standard,
and without any solidevidence that the black insulated wire used by your
company is as visible under all conditions asa flagged wire, OR-OSHA believes
that the use of unflagged "submarine wire" is unacceptableand
does not provide protection for workers which is equivalent to the standard.
Consistency anduniformity with industry practices are important factors
which always need to be consideredwhen evaluating a proposed idea and
when identifying a potential hazard, especially whereworkers often move
from employer to employer with each job. While the use of spray paint
onthe insulated wire might appear at first to meet the intent of the standard,
it must be rememberedthat the accepted industry practice is to have wire
rope identified with flags which not only callattention to the hazard
by their color, but also by their movement in the breeze. If the use of
suchflags creates some kind of hazard, then please notify OR-OSHA for
further consideration,otherwise wire ropes used as top rails will be required
to be properly flagged as described in 29CFR 1926.502(b)(9).
For further information please contact Mike
Mitchell at 378-3272. You are also invited to see the OR-OSHA pages
on the Internet at httep://
Marilyn K. Schuster, Manager
Standards & Technical Resources Section
Oregon Occupational Safety & Health Division