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Grant programs

What to know about applying for grants

Once a year Oregon OSHA accepts grant applications for the development of innovative workplace safety and health training programs.

Application information

Due to federal OSHA’s decision to cut federal grants to state plans nationwide and the resulting budget constraints, Oregon OSHA will not be able to offer grants under the Occupational Safety and Health Grant program for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Oregon OSHA and the Safe Employment Education and Training Advisory Committee (SEETAC) operate the Occupational Safety and Health Grant Program. Any labor consortium, employer consortium, educational institution that is affiliated with a labor organization or employer group, or other nonprofit entity, is eligible to apply. Grant funds are intended to encourage the development of innovative and proactive strategies that provide or expand upon occupational safety and health training or education services in Oregon. Grants will not be provided if any program items or materials are sold for profit. For more details please review the Oregon OSHA Grant Procedures and Guidelines.

If you have any questions, contact Theodore (Ted) Bunch, the training and education grant coordinator.


  Periodic reporting forms packet (zip)

Contact information

Theodore (Ted) Bunch

Grant projects

Materials produced by grant recipients become the property of Oregon OSHA. Many are in the Oregon OSHA Resource Center and are available for use by the public. Some materials are available electronically.

 Workplace education and training projects

 Worksite redesign projects 

Past examples of grant projects include:

  • Development of safe-lifting guidelines
  • Spanish-language flip charts designed to help prevent heat-related illness among forest workers
  • An educational program for nurses to prevent ergonomic-related injuries


The Oregon Legislature launched the Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training Grant Program in 1990 (ORS 654.191). Award recommendations are made by Oregon OSHA’s Safe Employment Education and Training Advisory Committee (OAR 437-001-0810), a group with members from business, organized labor, and government.

The Worksite Redesign Program existed from 1995-2001. This program offered research and development and product grants to address workplace safety, health, and ergonomic problems.