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​​​​​Safety Break for Oregon logo
May 14, 2025


Creating safer workplaces does not have to be overwhelming.

Here are some things you can start doing right away.

Reward safety accomplishments

Recognize employees who have contributed to workplace safety. Safety Break is the perfect time to present awards during a lunchtime event. We created a sample certificate you can download, personalize, and print.

Sample Award fill-in PDF or 
Microsoft .docx

Tell new employees you’re serious about safety

Many serious accidents happen during an employee's first year on the job. New employees should know that your organization is committed to safety from day one – their first day at work. Use Safety Break to reinforce your organization’s commitment to workplace safety.

Support your safety committee

Use Safety Break to recognize the committee's accomplishments. If you haven’t done so recently, attend the next safety committee meeting or participate in a quarterly workplace safety inspection.

Safety committees and safety meetings quick guide

Make safety fun

Play the Safety A to Z game

Have a Dealing for Safety raffle.

Put it in writing

Write a short article about Safety Break for your organization's newsletter. Check out Oregon OSHA’s A-Z topic list topic list for article ideas.

Develop a new/revised first report of injury form (or accident investigation form).

Develop a new/revised safety committee minutes format or safety meeting forms.

More ideas

PPE fashion show

Mock accident investigation - see who comes up with more root causes

Best checklist contest (with time limit)

Hazard scavenger hunt

Safety slogan contest

Forklift "rodeo"

Contests/games (i.e. Jeopardy) focusing on site-specific hazards and solutions

Establish an accident investigation toolkit including things needed to investigate accidents or near misses (forms, disposable camera, tape measure, etc.)

Event ideas from participating employers

  • Present a safety workshop organized by the safety committee.
  • Stop work on all projects at a set time to recognize Safety Break for Oregon and conduct a safety meeting.
  • Schedule Safety Break activities so employees on all shifts can participate.
  • Treat employees to a barbecue or lunch and recognize workers with safety awards.
  • Make Safety Break a multi-day event.
  • Focus on a new safety and health topic each day.
  • Share best practices in ergonomics.
  • Adjust work stations for correct ergonomic alignment.
  • Hold a safety fair.
  • Focus on topics such as safe driving, hazard evaluation, or emergency preparedness.
  • American Red Cross Oregon Trail Chapter offers free preparedness trainings.
  • These presentations are great way to prepare your workplace for a disaster. Visit the Red Cross website to request training.
  • Identify hazards
  • During Safety Break, talk with employees about existing hazards and other safety concerns they may have. Find out where injuries are occurring and discuss how to eliminate them.
  • Get the kids involved
  • Have fun and teach positive messages about safety and health to future workers. Why not have a coloring contest for the children of your employees and recognize their art during Safety Break?
