Through our alliance efforts, we work collaboratively with other organizations toward specific objectives to reduce illness and injury for workers in the state of Oregon.
Interagency agreements
To clarify jurisdiction and promote cooperative working relationships with federal OSHA and other state agencies, we have a set of interagency agreements or Memorandums of Understandings.
Interagency agreements
Letters of agreement
Oregon OSHA has developed several letters of agreement with employer groups to address specific compliance issues.
Letters of agreement
Oregon OSHA maintains partnerships with groups reflecting the wide diversity of industries in Oregon, from sector-specific groups, advisory groups, and stakeholder groups, to other state agencies.
Rule advisory committees
Advisory committees are one of the ways Oregon OSHA involves the public in drafting rules. The advisory committee is an excellent source of determining what, if any, fiscal impact the new rulemaking may have on the regulated community.
Advisory committees