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Agricultural Labor Housing Advisory Committee

Notice of Proposed Comprehensive Amendments to Agricultural Labor Housing and Related Facilities filed on September 5, 2024. Additional information related to Oregon OSHA’s proposed rule for employer-provided housing can be found on the Proposed Rules page.


The Agriculture Labor Housing Advisory Committee's purpose is to strengthen the partnership of Oregon OSHA and the private sector. The group's mission is to address issues affecting labor housing in the agriculture industry. Members of the group include representatives of labor, employers, grower organizations, and government and related non-profit agencies. The committee meets as needed and will remain ready to work on any issues that impact employers who operate housing for Oregon's agricultural labor force and for the workers who live in that housing.


Sarah Rew, Oregon OSHA
350 Winter Street NE
Salem OR 97301-3882
Telephone: 971-283-6415

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Fiscal Impact Advisory Committee

Oregon OSHA appointed an advisory committee to provide recommendations on the estimated fiscal impact of the proposed rule for consideration in preparation of the fiscal impact statements. The fiscal impact advisory committee considered proposed draft fiscal impact statements and recommended amendments. Oregon OSHA considered those recommendations and the work of the committee in preparing the fiscal impact statements for its employer-provided housing rulemaking. Oregon OSHA appreciates the hard work and efforts by the committee to assist Oregon OSHA with this rulemaking.

Comments Considered for Fiscal Impact Statement by Fiscal Impact Advisory Committee