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Hazard Communication Rule Advisory Group


On May 20, 2024, federal OSHA announced in the Federal Register amendments to 1910.1200 Hazard Communication. The proposed changes would align the rule with the seventh revision of the United Nations' Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).

This rulemaking is intended to provide a clearer hazard classification process to provide more complete and accurate hazard information on labels and safety data sheets; update physical hazard classes to better inform users on safe handling of explosives, aerosols, and chemicals under pressure; and update precautionary statements on how to safely handle, store and dispose of hazardous chemicals.

Based on the federal rulemaking, the updated standard would require labels on small packaging to be more comprehensive and readable and makes changes to help ensure trade secrets no longer prevent workers and first responders from receiving critical hazard information on safety data sheets.

To participate

Please contact the Technical Specialists listed below to be added to the advisory group mailing list for updates.

Note: On September 24, 2024, Oregon OSHA filed a notice of proposed rulemaking to adopt changes to Hazard Communication (29 CFR 1910.1200) published in the May 20, 2024, Federal Register. However, on October 9, 2024, federal OSHA published corrections and technical amendments to the Hazard Communication standard, as well as indicated their intent to make additional corrections in the future. This rulemaking is currently on hold as Oregon OSHA is awaiting further updates from federal OSHA.

If you are interested in receiving notices about this rulemaking, or other Oregon OSHA rulemaking activities, please sign up to receive email notifications.


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Contact information:

Linda Pressnell
Telephone: 503-378-3272

Jennifer Stewart
Telephone: 503-378-3272