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File a complaint


Contact us

If you are an employee or a concerned customer in Oregon and want to report hazards at a worksite, or believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of safety and health issues.

You can file a complaint by filling out the online complaint form or by contacting our field office closest to worksite. This introductory video shows you how Oregon OSHA's complaint process works.

We recommend that employees first attempt to resolve safety and health issues by reporting them to their supervisors, managers, or to their employer's safety and health committee.

File A Complaint Here:

 English    Español

To contact one of our offices by phone, select the county where the business is located to get the field office phone number for that location.

What happens after I file a complaint?

For help understanding your rights within workplace safety and health, and within the workers’ compensation system, contact the Ombuds Office for Oregon Workers at 800-927-1271.

Note: If your complaint is about:

Enforcement of minimum wage or collection of wages owed

Discrimination complaints

Food safety concern

Nota: Si su queja es sobre:

Relacionada con el salario mínimo o el adeudo de su salario

Quejas de discriminación

Si tiene preocupación de salud con los alimentos