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Hazard identification

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How do you identify hazards? Consider what could cause the injuries and illnesses your employees could have when they are at work – then determine how to eliminate or control those hazards. Here are six things you can do to get started:

  1. Conduct a baseline hazard survey.
  2. Perform regular workplace inspections.
  3. Do a job-hazard analysis.
  4. Use safety data sheets to identify chemical hazards.
  5. Look for new hazards whenever you change equipment, materials, or work processes.
  6. Investigate incident and accidents to determine root causes.

All available content

  • Brochures/Guides
  • Cards
    • Challenge Program
      Reviews how employers can work with our Consultation staff to find and correct workplace hazards and implement safety systems.
      English  12/01/2023
    • Programa de desafío
       Challenge Program
      Revisa cómo los empleadores pueden trabajar con nuestro personal para corregir los peligros en el lugar de trabajo e implementar sistemas de seguridad.
      Spanish  12/07/2023
  • Checklists
  • Forms
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Hazard Assessment tool and lists
      This comprehensive document has lists for PPE Hazard Assessment. Use when completing an assessment of your workplace. Lists included are examples for protection for: falls, torso, eye/face, head, feet, legs, hands, hearing, and respiratory.
      English  07/17/2023
    • PPE Hazard Assessment Workbook
      Conduct a PPE Hazard Assessment when hazards are present, or are likely to be present, that would require the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). This PPE Hazard Assessment form can be used to determine the required PPE by identifying the hazards and selecting appropriate PPE. The form is grouped according to the body part protected by specific types of PPE, and can serve as a written certification of the PPE Hazard Assessment.
      English  07/17/2023
  • References
    • Rules with requirements
      We get many calls and emails from employers asking the same question. It begins: “Which of your rules have requirements for…” You can finish the sentence with words like “recordkeeping,” “employee training,” and “written documents.” To answer those questions, we’ve organized these rules requirements into a filterable, sortable, searchable table.
      English  05/10/2019
  • Online course
    • Curso en línea de identificación de peligros
       Hazard identification online course
      Conozca los tipos de peligros en el lugar de trabajo, corrigiendo los peligros, realizando inspecciones de seguridad y salud y escribiendo un informe de inspección de seguridad efectivo.
      Spanish  Online course  12/13/2018
    • Curso en línea del análisis de los riesgos del trabajo
       Job hazard analysis online course
      Durante este curso, usted aprenderá cómo determinar qué trabajos necesitan un análisis de los riesgos del trabajo; escribir un procedimiento de trabajo seguro y eficaz
      Spanish  Online course  
    • Hazard Identification online course
      During this class you will learn about: the types of workplace hazards; hazard correction; developing an inspection checklist for the walk-around inspection; and writing an effective safety inspection report.
      English  Online course  
    • Job Hazard Analysis online course
      During this course you will learn how to determine which job duties require a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
      English  Online course  
    • Safety Committee Suite
      Completing the three courses that make up the suite – Safety Meetings and Committees, Accident Investigation, and Hazard Identification – satisfies the basic requirements for training safety committee members.
      English  Online course  
    • Serie de Comités de Seguridad
       Safety committee suite
      El completar los tres cursos que componen la Serie: Comités y Reuniones de Seguridad, Investigación de Accidentes e Identificación de Peligros, satisface los requisitos básicos de entrenamiento para miembros del comité de seguridad
      Spanish  Online course  

Borrow from the Resource Center

  • Hazard Recognition
    See available titles
    Borrow DVDs about Hazard Recognition from the Resource Center

Watch Online

  • English
    • Safety’s Top Ten Causes of Workplace Injury (TrainingVideoNow)
      Injury statistics show that the same types of incidents continue to occur over and over again. Viewers will see the top 10 causes of these incidents listed from 10 to one, but more importantly, they will learn how workplace injuries can be prevented.
      Language: English   Length: 19 minutes  
    • Watch That Dog!
      Dog bites injure 1 to 3.5 million people in America each year. 'Watch That Dog' explains basic protection and provides insight into the mannerisms of various types of dogs. Tells how to protect yourself from possible attack and injury.
      Language: English   Length: 15:26 minutes  
    • What would you do next?
      This interactive bi-lingual training program contains nine training sessions. Includes materials on hazard identification, unsafe versus safe conditions/acts, and proposed corrective actions to implement.
      Language: English   Length: 18 minutes  
  • Spanish

Additional Resources