- Asbestos
Purpose: This instruction establishes policies and provides clarification to ensure uniform enforcement of the Occupational Exposure to Asbestos Standards, 29 CFR 1910.1001, 1926.1101, and 1915.1001.
A-213 05/27/2014
- Compressed Gas: Securing Compressed Gas Cylinders
Purpose: This directive clarifies the application of 1926.350(a)(9).
A-186 02/02/2017
- Excavation Standards
Purpose: This instruction is intended to serve as a standard-specific reference for Oregon OSHA Compliance Safety and Health Officers (CSHOs) regarding the application of Subdivision P of 29 CFR Part 1926, providing supplemental compliance inspection guidance and citation policies.
A-176 11/01/2022
- Fall Protection: Aerial Lifts Used in Construction
Purpose: This directive clarifies the requirement for fall protection when employees are using aerial lifts, in construction, as described in the above ANSI/SAI standards, Oregon OSHA rules, and this directive to ensure uniform enforcement of the rules.
A-242 02/28/2007
- Fall Protection: Hoisting Employees during Communication Tower Work Activities
Purpose: This instruction establishes the inspection policy and procedures to ensure uniform enforcement of provisions addressing work activities that involve hoisting employees to and from workstations on communication towers using a personnel hoist.
A-294 03/26/2020
- Focused Inspections In Construction
Purpose: This directive establishes Oregon OSHA’s policy for conducting focused construction inspections of employers that have been recognized by trade associations within the construction industry for their workplace safety and health programs.
A-264 03/06/2025
- Guarding: Cut-Off Wheels and Masonry Saws
Purpose: To provide guidelines for citing violations related to guards for cutoff wheels and masonry saws used in General Industry and Construction.
A-031 12/06/2012
- Guarding: Portable Abrasive Grinders When Used for Internal Grinding
Purpose: To clarify the intent of the affected rules.
A-120 03/09/2001
- Guarding: Portable Belt Sanding Machines
Purpose: To inform OR-OSHA staff of the existence of a federal program directive.
A-192 03/27/2001
- Hazard Communication
Purpose: This directive establishes policies and provides clarification to ensure uniform application of the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS).
A-150 01/07/2016
- Inspection and Citation Guidance for Cranes and Derricks in Construction
This program directive is intended to serve as a standard-specific reference for Oregon OSHA compliance officers regarding the application of Oregon Administrative Rules within Division 3, Subdivision CC, providing supplemental compliance inspection guidance and recommended citation policies for complex requirements.
A-296 10/14/2022
- Inspection and Citation Guidance for Roadway and Highway Work Zones
Purpose: To provide guidance to compliance safety and health officers (CSHOs) on how to conduct safety and health inspections of workplaces involved in construction, maintenance, or utility work activities on or near roadways and highways (hereinafter "work zones") where public or site operation vehicular traffic exposes workers to struck-by hazards.
A-290 09/15/2021
- Inspection Criteria: Construction and Forest Activities Safety Inspections
Purpose: This program directive provides guidelines for the safety enforcement staff when conducting programmed inspections of construction and forest activities employers on the safety scheduling lists.
A-247 08/11/2015
- Inspection Criteria: Random Construction Inspections
Purpose: To provide guidance in determining when a construction site or employer will be subject to a random safety construction inspection from the Random Scheduling List.
A-248 07/22/2014
- Inspection Criteria: Scheduling Lists for Safety and Health Inspections
Purpose: This Program Directive explains how the safety and health scheduling lists
will be created and the criteria and ranking factors that will be used to
identify the places of employment the Director believes to be the most
unsafe in the state of Oregon.
A-244 01/24/2025
- Jurisdiction: Independent Contractors, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships and Corporate Officers.
Purpose: This directive provides inspection assistance related to Oregon OSHA jurisdiction over independent contractors, LLCs, partnerships, corporate officers, and corporate family farms. This program directive replaces PD-210.
A-231 11/17/2015
- Lead: Exposures in Construction
Purpose: This instruction provides uniform inspection and compliance guidance
for lead exposure in construction, 1926.62, Lead, effective in Oregon
on November 1, 1993.
A-208 06/07/2005
- Lift-Slab Construction Operations
Purpose: This instruction establishes policies and provides clarification to ensure
uniform enforcement of the Lift-Slab Construction Operations Standard.
A-162 06/26/2001
- Multi-employer Workplace Citation Guidelines
Purpose: These guidelines provide directions to compliance officers on how to issue citations at multi-employer worksites.
A-257 12/15/2006
- National Emphasis Program (NEP): Lead in general industry and construction
Purpose: This instruction describes policies and procedures for implementing a national emphasis program (NEP) to reduce occupational exposures to lead in accordance with the provisions of the Field Information Reference Manual (FIRM).
A-273 06/29/2017
- National Emphasis Program (NEP): Trenching and Excavation
Purpose: To establish a National Emphasis program for the programmed safety inspection of trenching and excavation operations.
A-265 01/03/2019
- Scaffolds in Construction
Purpose: This instruction establishes inspection procedures and provides clarification to ensure uniform enforcement of the scaffold standards for construction.
A-218 10/28/2020
- Steel Erection Standards for Construction
Purpose: This instruction describes Oregon OSHA’s inspection policy and provides clarification to ensure uniform application by field personnel of the steel erection standards for construction.
A-251 01/30/2015
- Toilet Facilities: Reasonable Access
Purpose: To provide guidance in interpretation of rules pertaining to location and accessibility of toilet facilities.
A-097 07/03/2018
- Underground Utility Installations: Inspection and Citation Guidance
This program directive provides compliance safety and health officers guidance on conducting inspections of workplaces involved in construction, maintenance, and utility work activities associated with underground utility installations.
A-303 05/02/2022