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Oregon OSHA’s construction rules set the minimum safety and health requirements for employees who do construction work, including demolition, blasting and use of explosives, and power transmission distribution and maintenance work.

Oregon OSHA’s most violated construction rules – almost every year – are General fall protection requirements [437-003-1501], Requirements for use of ladders [1926.1053(b)], Documentation of safety committee meetings [437-001-0765(13)], and the Written hazard communication program [1910.1200(e)].

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  • English
    • Fall Protection for Construction
      Videos from the Fall Protection for Construction online course developed by Oregon OSHA Public Education as part of the Fall Protection Suite of courses.
      Length: English  
    • Hearing Conservation for At-Risk Workers grant project video
      Geared especially to construction and trades workers who may already have some hearing loss, this comprehensive training package covers: The nature of sound and how the ear processes sound; the causes and types of hearing loss; the importance of identifying noise hazards; and the use of the proper hearing protection for the work setting.
      Length: English  
    • Trench cave-in
      An Oregon OSHA compliance officers happened by this jobsite without trench shoring, and recorded his request to have the worker get out of the unsafe trench. Moments after that conversation started, the trench collapsed.
      Length: English  
  • Spanish