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Machine guarding

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Most machines do not discriminate between people and widgets - the task is all that matters. That can be a problem when a machine has moving parts and the worker inadvertently gets too close. As long as workers need machines to help them process material - to cut, shear, punch, bend, or drill - they will be exposed to moving parts that will hurt them. Much of the danger occurs at the point of operation, where the work is performed and where the machine cuts, shears, punches, bends, or drills.

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  • Online course
    • Bloqueo y Etiquetado
      Durante este curso aprenderá sobre; el propósito y alcance del estándar de bloqueo o cerrado/etiquetado, procedimientos de bloqueo y etiquetado, criterios de capacitación y criterios de inspección periódica.
      Spanish  Online course  
    • Lockout/Tagout online course
      During this course you will learn about: the purpose and scope of the lockout/tagout standard; lockout and tagout procedures; training criteria; and periodic inspection criteria.
      English  Online course  

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