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Desk height

Students - How to do it

Look at the pictures and ideas below for ways to make some changes to have your body fit your workstation better.

Case study

Concern: Look at how the student on the left has to reach upwards to use the keyboard. He truly could not get into a good typing posture.

Challenge: You cannot change the height of the table of the keyboard.


Applied Ergonomics Solutions: Several solutions to this challenge are available. A higher chair is the best solution, if it is available. The student on the right used a book to sit on. She could also try a pillow from home, which might be more comfortable. She would have to fasten it on the seat with rope or twine to make sure it could not slide off. But then her feet don't reach the ground! Uh oh! You can see in the picture that she used a three-ring binder as a foot support.