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Powered industrial trucks

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Forklift operators must have classroom instruction, hands-on training, and an evaluation to determine their competency. The evaluation must take place in the workplace so the trainer can observe the operator perform typical tasks in the operator’s environment. Someone other than the employer can do the training and the evaluation; however, training out of the workplace must be supplemented with on-site training that covers site-specific hazards and tasks the operator will be performing.

Employers must certify that each operator has been trained and evaluated. The certification must include the operator’s name, the trainer’s name, and the training and evaluation dates. Read more about the requirements for operators in Oregon OSHA’s Operating powered industrial trucks fact sheet.



All available content

  • Checklists
  • Fact sheets
    • Forklift operations
      Highlights important safety considerations for owners and operators of powered industrial trucks (forklifts).
      English  03/31/2023
  • Quick facts
  • References
    • ATV Best Practices
      This handout of best practices for using ATVs at work goes with the ATV Safety online course:
      English  09/09/2021
    • Mejores prácticas para la conducción de un Vehículo todo terreno ATV
       ATV Best Practices
      Este folleto de mejores prácticas para el uso de vehículos todo terreno en el trabajo va con el curso en línea de seguridad de vehículos todo terreno:
      Spanish  09/09/2021
    • Rules with requirements
      We get many calls and emails from employers asking the same question. It begins: “Which of your rules have requirements for…” You can finish the sentence with words like “recordkeeping,” “employee training,” and “written documents.” To answer those questions, we’ve organized these rules requirements into a filterable, sortable, searchable table.
      English  05/10/2019
  • Online course
    • ATV Safety online course
      This ATV Safety training program covers all areas of ATV use for agricultural work, including the best and safest practices
      English  Online course  

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