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Upcoming Rulemaking

Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Rules in Development

The items listed below are projects Oregon OSHA is currently engaged in. These rules are in the pre-proposed stage. If you have questions about these projects or are interested in participating in the process, use the Oregon OSHA staff contact information for the item of interest.

Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs)

Summary: The Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) Advisory Committee evaluated Oregon OSHA's regulated substances listed in our air contaminant rules. Lead and Manganese were the first standards selected for revision, because workers in Oregon were exposed to these substances across a wide range of industries. The rulemaking for Manganese was completed and the new requirements were adopted September 1, 2021 and went into effect September 1, 2022. Rulemaking for Lead is in the pre-proposal phase.

Timetable: After rulemaking for Lead is complete, the advisory committee will meet to consider next steps.

Oregon OSHA staff contact:
Linda Pressnell
Oregon OSHA – Technical Specialist
350 Winter Street NE
Salem OR 97301-3882
Telephone: 971-330-0502


Lead (PEL)

Summary: The Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) Advisory Committee evaluated Oregon OSHA's regulated substances listed in our air contaminant rules. Lead and Manganese were the first standards selected for revision, because workers in Oregon were exposed to these substances across a wide range of industries.

Timetable: The rulemaking process for Lead was initiated in late 2017, but was suspended to allow rulemaking for Manganese and COVID-19 to be completed. The rulemaking process for Lead was restarted in May of 2023. If you would like to join the stakeholders group for Lead rulemaking, contact Linda Pressnell and provide your name, contact information, and affiliation. For meeting minutes and more information about the stakeholder group, see the Lead Advisory Group page.

Oregon OSHA staff contact:
Linda Pressnell
Oregon OSHA – Technical Specialist
350 Winter Street NE
Salem OR 97301-3882
Telephone: 971-330-0502


Hazard Communication

Summary: The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration drafted the revised hazard communication standard for commercial products to better protect workers and align US requirements closer to international guidance set by the UN in 2017 (RIN:1218-AC93). The current hazard communications standard, last revised in 2012, requires chemical manufacturers or importers to classify the dangers of chemicals and to notify users and customers by labeling containers and providing safety data sheets. Employers must provide their workers with information and training about the chemicals they are exposed to. Chemical manufacturers and others have new requirements for commercial product warning labels. The final rule was published 5/20/2024 in the Federal Register. There is a FAQ on the federal OSHA website. Oregon OSHA has six months to adopt the new requirements to be at least as effective as federal OSHA.

Timetable: On September 24, 2024, Oregon OSHA filed a notice of proposed rulemaking to adopt changes to Hazard Communication (29 CFR 1910.1200) published in the May 20, 2024, Federal Register. However, on October 9, 2024, federal OSHA published corrections and technical amendments to the Hazard Communication standard, as well as indicated their intent to make additional corrections in the future. This rulemaking is currently on hold as Oregon OSHA is awaiting further updates from federal OSHA.

Oregon OSHA staff contact:
Linda Pressnell
Oregon OSHA – Technical Specialist
350 Winter Street NE
Salem OR 97301-3882
Telephone: 971-330-0502

Jennifer Stewart
350 Winter Street NE
Salem OR 97301-3882
Telephone: 503-378-3272