Oregon OSHA's Safe Employment Education and Training Advisory Committee (SEETAC) provided funding for this educational material. It is copyright-free and may be duplicated.
For more information, call the Oregon OSHA Resource Center at 800-922-2689 (toll-free) or 503-947-7453.
Focus Four on Health
Sponsor: Associated General Contractors (AGC) of Oregon
Description: The videos and corresponding training aids describe the most prevalent health hazards in construction: silica, lead, noise and asbestos. AGC Oregon-Columbia Chapter has published these materials through a generous Oregon OSHA grant. Please use them and share the information with contractors and construction workers.
Available formats: Website
Foundation of Safety Leadership
Sponsor: Vigilant
Description: The Foundations of Safety Leadership: Creating a Safety Culture was developed to improve safety culture across Oregon. This training was marketed to high-risk areas such as manufacturing, wood products, and general construction.
Available formats: Trainers guide,
Materials checklist,
Goal sheet,
Lead list,
Test answer key,
Pocket cards,
Hearing Conservation For At Risk Workers
Sponsor: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Description: Geared especially to construction and trades workers who may already have some hearing loss, this comprehensive training package covers:
- The nature of sound and how the ear processes sound
- The causes and types of hearing loss
- The importance of identifying noise hazards
- The use of the proper hearing protection for the work setting
Available formats: Online video
LEAN Safety
Sponsor: SafeBuild Alliance
Description: The SafeBuild Alliance created “A User’s Guide to a Lean Safety” to help contractors implement key lean safety items that will ultimately lead their projects to be safer and more efficient. A component of the user guides includes Best Known Methods (BKMs) for tasks that we believe will help projects achieve this level of safety and efficiency.
Available formats: Word document or
Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
Sponsor: SafeBuild Alliance
Description: SafeBuild Alliance designed and developed training and educational materials intended for the target audience of the construction industry. The materials were intended to increase awareness among the construction industry relating to mental health awareness, suicide prevention providing support for workers experiencing depression and other mental health issues.
Available formats: Safebuild Alliance Website
Firefighter/Emergency Response
Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Ergonomics Curriculum
Sponsor: University of Oregon. Labor Education and Resource Center (LERC)
Description: The purpose of the Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Ergonomics Curriculum is to provide a road map for using the curriculum effectively. While teaching skills and experience are helpful, a person who is familiar with firefighting and/or EMS work and spends sufficient time becoming familiar with the materials should be able to make good use of the curriculum. This guide offers general information concerning the training philosophy behind the curriculum and specific guidance on how to use the modules.
Available formats: Manual (PDF), videos, and slides
Online videos
DVD, CD and printed material - Borrow for Resource Center (V1254)
Cable yarding and winch-integrated harvester anchors in younger forests,
Educational program for safe design
Sponsor: Oregon State University
Francisca Belart
Description: Develop safe and simple design guidelines for multi-stump anchoring use based on soil properties and static equilibrium and deliver workshops to educate forestry workers on how to safely design existing anchoring systems including multi-stump anchors, deadman anchors and current research on stump anchoring for winch-integrated tethered assist equipment.
Available formats: PDF: Guidelines for safe multi‐stump and deadman anchors
How to Prevent Musculoskeletal Injuries
Como evitar enfermedades osteomusculares
Sponsor: Northwest Forest Worker Center
Description: The purpose of this training program is to help Latino forest workers in Oregon prevent musculoskeletal disorders. The goal of the training is to equip workers with best practices in preventing musculoskeletal disorders as they plant trees, thin forests, and pile brush.
This guide is your tool for teaching forest workers and their families about the risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries from forest work, and at the same time, teach them about the actions that the worker can take to prevent them.
Esta guía es su herramienta para enseñarles a los trabajadores forestales y a sus familias sobre el peligro de desarrollar enfermedades osteomusculares en el trabajo forestal, y de igual forma, enseñarles sobre las acciones que el trabajador puede tomar para evitarlas.
The training is provided in English and Spanish.
Available formats:PDF in English and
PDF in Spanish
Glosario de servicios forestales: con motivación para la comprensión
Glossary of Forestry Services: with Motivation for Understanding
Sponsor: Dr. John J. Garland, PE, with Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (PNASH)
Description: Este glosario de actividades, tareas, herramientas y riesgos del servicio forestal une la terminología del inglés y español. También proporciona una descripción de las metas más grandes del manejo de los bosques para que el trabajo se lleve a cabo.
A glossary of forestry services activities, work tasks, tools and hazards that links English and Spanish terms. The glossary also provides a description of the larger forest management goals for which the work is undertaken.
Available formats: Printable PDF
Safe Design of Equipment Anchors: Education Through Simple Design Guidelines
Sponsor: OSU School of Forestry
Description: The webinar is for logging and talks about mobile anchors in yarding operations.
Available formats: Online video
Suenos Americanos
American Dreams
Sponsor: Northwest Forest Workers Center
Description: Videos and training materials in English and Spanish addressing the “struck by” hazard in forestry industry. The training also addresses work place practices that increase risks: working too close together, lack of safety training, worker fatigue, worker inattention, and being pressed to work harder and faster.
Available formats:
Digital Story Spanish & Digital Story English
Flash Cards Spanish & Flash Cards English
The Four Elements of Safety: Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls While Working in the Woods
Los Cuatro Elementos de Seguridad: Evitando Resbalones, Tropezones y Cãdas Cuando Trabajen en la Sierra
Sponsor: Northwest Forest Worker Center
Description: This guide is your training tool for teaching forest workers and their families about the hazards that come with working on uneven terrain with roots, rocks, slash and other obstacles on the ground. The information is tailored for workers in Oregon, but most of it is relevant for forest workers throughout the U.S. To teach this session, hold the guide so that the illustrations or photos face toward the workers you are training. On the other side are the instructions for what to say and do during the session.
Available formats: Guides
Full Guide English &
Full Guide Spanish
10-minute guide English &
10-minute guide Spanish
Easy Ergonomics for Caregivers
Sponsor: Associated Oregon Industries
Description: Reviews basic ergonomics principles such as force, posture, and repetition. Demonstrates examples of good ergonomic practices, with emphasis on getting close to your work, pivoting with your feet, safe resident transfer, and use of a fall kit when lifting residents who have fallen.
Available formats: Online videos
Safe Patient Handling in Health Care
Sponsor: Oregon Nurses Association, Bay Area Hospital, and University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center (LERC)
Description: Provide nurses and health care works with tools to reduce work related MSD injuries. Enhances patient and family understanding regarding comfort and security of patient handling equipment.
This program is designed with flexibility in mind. Tailor this program to meet your organization's specific needs, for example, the materials provided can be used to develop or enhance an existing ergonomics or safe-lift program at your facility.
Available formats: Instructor guide, video, slide presentation, and more
Online video
VHS tape, printed material - Borrow from Resource Center (V1212)
Safe Resident Handling Program
Sponsor: University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center (LERC)
Description: The purpose of the Safe Resident Handling Program guide is to provide step-by-step instructions to assist long term care facilities in developing an effective and sustainable SRH program. This guide is designed for use by those at long-term care facilities such as skilled nursing homes, assisted living or residential care interested in transitioning their facility into a Facility of Choice for safe resident handling.
Available formats: Program guide, documents, slide presentations, and more
Training/How to Comply
How to Comply with OSHA's Electrical Standards
Sponsor: NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center
Description: NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center's free online course, NFPA 70E - How to Comply with OSHA's Electrical Standards
Five Lesson modules and quizzes on:
- Electrical hazards and injuries
- OSHA electrical regulations
- Control of hazardous energy
- Electrical specific PPE & OPE
- Introduction and application of NFPA 70E concepts
Available formats:
View a
PowerPoint primer of this course, or access the full course at:
To obtain full course access, or for any questions about the course, contact Barry Moreland, Safety Director at the NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center.
bmoreland@nietc.org or call 503-501-5066
Protéjase de los pesticidas
Protect Yourself from Pesticides
Sponsor: Northwest Forest Workers Center
Description: Chemical Safety for Latino Forest workers in Southern Oregon that address preventing exposure to pesticides and gasoline. The Community Health Workers (Promotora’s) provide the training to Latino workers in homes, hotels, community centers and churches to ensure workers are properly trained.
Available formats:Workbook in English &
Workbook in Spanish
Safety Begins With ME!
Sponsor: The Mid-Willamette Metals Consortium
Description: Safety Begins With ME was developed by The Mid-Willamette Metals Consortium, who recognizes the need for safety to be more than an institutional program. Safety is also an employee mind set and commitment that must be present every day in all that we do. Safety Begins with ME! was designed to help employees understand the central role they play in creating a safe work environment. It introduces basic ways that every employee can help create a safe work culture.
Available formats: Guides, workbooks, slides, audio/video
Watch that Dog!
Sponsor: Unknown
Description: Dog bites injure 1 million to 3.5 million people in America each year. 'Watch That Dog' explains basic protection and provides insight into the mannerisms of various types of dogs. Tells how to protect yourself from possible attack and injury.
Available formats:
Online video and Borrow DVD from Resource Center (D85)
Young Employee Safety Awareness Online Training
Sponsor: Oregon Young Employee Safety (O[yes]) Coalition
Description: Provides young workers with awareness of health and safety at work. Enhances youth’s understanding of young worker injuries, finding and controlling hazards, the rights and responsibilities they have at work, how to speak up for safety, and how to be prepared for emergencies at work.
This program is designed to be flexible. It can be completed in approximately 45 minutes and doesn’t have to be finished all at once. This way it can be done in most class periods or at home or work.
Available formats:
Online with
student workbook
It is designed to work with smart phones and tablets to provide greater ease of access.