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If you are an employer, you must train your employees in the safety and health aspects of their jobs. You can decide who will train your employees. However, trainers must have appropriate technical knowledge, skill, and ability in the subjects they teach. They need to be able to communicate effectively, motivate their students, and apply learning objectives that meet their students’ needs. Our rule requirements table can help you find the training you must provide.

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  • Fact sheets
  • Forms
  • Labels and stickers
  • References
    • Rules with requirements
      We get many calls and emails from employers asking the same question. It begins: “Which of your rules have requirements for…” You can finish the sentence with words like “recordkeeping,” “employee training,” and “written documents.” To answer those questions, we’ve organized these rules requirements into a filterable, sortable, searchable table.
      English  05/10/2019
    • Rules with training requirements
      To help employers identify rules that have requirements for things such as recordkeeping, training, written documentation, qualified person, etc. We've organized these rules into a filterable, sortable, and searchable list. This link prefilters the list for training requirements.
      English  02/14/2019
  • Curriculum
    • Oregon Total Worker Health® Curriculum Overview
      This is an infographic overview for: Oregon Total Worker Health® Alliance curriculum is designed for occupational health, safety, worker compensation, wellness, and human resource practitioners and professionals. These entry-level courses and workshops are offered free of charge, either online (instructor-led) or in person.
      Training program  English  09/09/2023
    • Oregon Total Worker Health®
      Oregon Total Worker Health® Alliance training curriculum. The training is designed for occupational safety and health, worker compensation, and human resource practitioners and professions.
      Training program  English  07/07/2023

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Rule obligations list

To help employers identify rules that have requirements for things such as recordkeeping, training, written documentation, qualified person, etc. we've organized these rules into a filterable, sortable, searchable list.

Find training requirements