- Seguridad con el propano
El gas licuado de petróleo (GLP), que incluye propano, butano y mezclas de estos gases, se utiliza como combustible para calefacción, cocina y automóviles.
- Capacitación sobre gases comprimidos
Tom Meier, profesional de la seguridad, explica las prácticas de manipulación segura del gas comprimido.
- SB592 Inspecciones y Sanciones
En 2023, la Legislatura del Estado de Oregón aprobó el Proyecto de Ley del senado 592 que introdujo cambios en la forma en que Oregon OSHA evalúa las sanciones e introdujo un nuevo tipo de inspección. En este vídeo, daremos una breve descripción de estos cambios legislativos.
- Patógenos Transmitidos Por La Sangre
Vídeos incluidos en el curso online de Patógenos transmitidos por la sangre.
- Investigación de Accidentes
Vídeos incluidos en el curso online de Investigación de Accidentes.
- Oregon Worker Protection Rights videos
These videos cover a worker’s Oregon OSHA safety and complaint rights, and BOLI anti-retaliation rights – as well as other key resources and contact information.
- Guía completa de herramientas de seguridad contra el calor - OSHA/NIOSH
Oregon OSHA produced this video about how to use the Federal OSHA/NIOSH Heat Safety App, an important tool in planning outdoor work activities based on how hot it feels during the day. The mobile app features a real-time heat index and hourly forecast at your location. It also offers safety and health recommendations.
- Protección contra caídas para la construcción
Este curso multimedia está diseñado para ayudarlo como empleador o empleado que trabaja en actividades de construcción para cumplir con los requisitos de las normas de protección contra caídas de Oregon OSHA.
- Principios fundamentales de la protección contra caídas
Estos videos son una serie desarrollada por Oregon OSHA Public Education como parte de Principios fundamentales de la protección contra caídas.
- Zona de Exclusión de aplicación (AEZ) Explicado
Este video explica la zona de exclusión de aplicación de Oregon OSHA en el estándar de protección del trabajador.
- Prevención de Enfermedades Causadas por el Calor
Recomendaciones practicas para la prevención de enfermedades causadas por el calor: Este video esta enfocado en la importancia del Agua, Descanso y Sombra.
- Protección contra el humo por incendios forestales
Videos del curso en línea Wildfire Smoke Protection de Oregon OSHA.
- Programa de Protección Respiratoria: Entrenamiento Para los Empleados (TrainingVideoNow)
Exposure to hazardous chemicals in the form of dusts, fumes, mists and gases may cause lung damage, cancer and other serious ailments to vital organs and the central nervous system. To protect you from these adverse health effects,
- Al Punto Sobre Equipo De Protección Personal (TrainingVideoNow)
When our body parts are exposed to certain hazards there is a potential for bodily harm to occur. Properly selecting and wearing personal protective equipment can reduce or eliminate this exposure, prevent injuries and save lives.
- Al Punto Sobre La Operación Segura De Montacargas (TrainingVideoNow)
Unsafe operation of forklifts often contributes to property damage and employee injuries. Ensuring that drivers operate forklifts in a safe manner can prevent injuries and save lives.
- Al Punto Sobre Cerrado / Etiquetado (TrainingVideoNow)
The unexpected starting of machines or other unplanned releases of hazardous energy can have devastating consequences. Controlling hazardous energy can prevent injuries and save lives.
- Un Enfoque Práctico sobre Seguridad en el uso de Escaleras (TrainingVideoNow)
While ladder manufacturers strive to produce the safest ladders possible, a well-made ladder is not enough. Our safety while climbing or working on a ladder depends on following safe work practices
- Al Punto Sobre Comunicación De Riesgos, GHS (TrainingVideoNow)
Various chemicals present many physical and health hazards that cause property damage or harm people. Protecting workers from exposure to hazardous chemicals can prevent injuries and illnesses.
- Sobreviviendo una Caída El Uso Apropiado de su Sistema Personal de Detención de Caídas (TrainingVideoNow)
- Al Punto Sobre Prevención De Lesiones En Los Ojos (TrainingVideoNowI)
Dust, wood chips, nails, hazardous chemicals, radiant light and countless other items can strike or enter the eye and cause injury. Taking proper precautions and wearing the appropriate protection against eye hazards can prevent eye injuries.
- Al Punto Sobre Ergonomía (TrainingVideoNow)
When parts of our bodies are subjected to awkward positions, we risk the development of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Using proper work practice controls in both office and industrial settings can prevent these types of injuries.
- Las 10 Causas Más Comunes de Lesiones en el Lugar de Trabajo (TrainingVideoNow)
Injury statistics show that the same types of incidents continue to occur over and over again. Viewers will see the top 10 causes of these incidents listed from 10 to one, but more importantly, they will learn how workplace injuries can be prevented.
- Al Punto Sobre Patógenos De La Sangre (TrainingVideoNow)
Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards that can hurt us or kill us. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries or illnesses is the point of our safety and health program. One such hazard is the one presented by bloodborne pathogens.
- Al Punto Sobre Prevención De Lesiones En La Espalda (TrainingVideoNow)
Improper lifting and poor posture can lead to a variety of painful back injuries. Practicing safe lifting techniques and maintaining neutral posture can prevent those injuries.
- Protect Your Eyesight
Available in English and Spanish languages.
Dramatic examples showing eye protection by any safety goggles or regular glasses compared to goggles stamped ANSI Z87.
- Pesticides in Forestry, A Workers’ Guide to Safe Practices
Available in English and Spanish languages. EPA Approved training video for training forestry workers about pesticides and the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). This video satisfies the pesticide safety training requirement for workers under the revised WPS effective January 1, 2016.
- Pesticide Safety for Agricultural Workers
Available in both English and Spanish languages. EPA Approved training video for training agricultural workers about pesticides and the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). This video satisfies the pesticide safety training requirement for workers under the revised WPS effective January 1, 2016.
- Christmas Tree Harvest Safety grant project video
Learn how to protect yourself while harvesting Christmas trees. Learn about protective clothing, equipment, techniques, and general safety guidelines.