- 1,3-Butadiene
Purpose: This instruction establishes policies and provides clarification to ensure uniform
enforcement of the Occupational Exposure to 1,3-Butadiene Standard,
1910.1051 and authorizes appropriately qualified OR-OSHA personnel to
conduct reviews of the medical records specified in C. of this instruction where
there is a need to gain access for enforcement purposes.
A-220 05/03/2007
- Acceptable Method of Determining Flashpoints
Purpose: To provide additional guidelines in the application of the subject standard as it relates to various methods for determining "flashpoint" acceptable to Oregon OSHA.
A-029 11/24/2014
- Aisles and Passageways: Appropriately Marked Aisles and Passageways
Purpose: To provide interpretation of “appropriately marked” as it applies to permanent aisles and passageways in fixed workplaces where mechanical handling equipment is used on dirt floors or floors that are covered by sand or fine dusts due to ongoing daily operations.
A-054 05/29/2018
- Alliance Policy
Purpose: This directive establishes OR-OSHA’s policy for the development and
approval process of individual alliances.
A-259 11/09/2006
- Ammonium Nitrate Storage Guidance
Purpose: To provide enforcement guidance for the storage of ammonium nitrate that is covered under 1910.109(i).
A-295 02/17/2015
- Anesthetic Gases
Purpose: To notify and provide guidance to hospital administrators, operating room
personnel, dental office personnel, and Oregon Occupational Safety and
Health Division (OR-OSHA) personnel regarding a potential hazard to
operating room and dental office personnel due to chronic exposures to
waste anesthetic gases.
A-205 06/29/2000
- Arsenic Exposures in Battery Manufacturing and Reclaiming Plants
Purpose: To alert compliance officers to potential arsenic hazards in battery
manufacturing plants.
A-180 05/12/2000
- Asbestos
Purpose: This instruction establishes policies and provides clarification to ensure uniform enforcement of the Occupational Exposure to Asbestos Standards, 29 CFR 1910.1001, 1926.1101, and 1915.1001.
A-213 05/27/2014
- Asbestos Contacts
Purpose: To direct inquiries concerning asbestos to proper governmental agencies.
A-161 02/13/2013
- Bloodborne Pathogens
Purpose: This instruction establishes policies and provides clarifications to ensure uniform inspection procedures are followed when conducting inspections to enforce the Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Standard.
A-154 05/15/2013
- Bulk Oxygen Systems
Purpose: To establish guidelines on citing a violation of 1910.104.
A-012 06/06/2000
- Chemical Storage: Reactive and Incompatible Materials
Purpose: To provide guidance to OR-OSHA staff in the interpretation and
application of OAR 437-02-221(4)(d).
A-146 06/26/2000
- Chromium (VI) Inspection Procedures
Purpose: The purpose of this Instruction is to provide guidelines and establish uniform
inspection and compliance procedures for the occupational exposure standards
for hexavalent chromium published in the Federal Register, February 28, 2006,
and effective May 30, 2006.
A-270 08/08/2008
- Citations: Egregious Violations
This program directive covers enforcement procedures applicable in cases where violation-by-violation (egregious) citation and penalty provisions are employed.
A-158 08/08/2022
- Citations: Paperwork and Written Program Violations
Purpose: The purpose of this instruction is to revise and clarify Oregon OSHA's policy regarding issuance of citations for violation of "paperwork" and "written program" requirements.
A-216 05/06/2016
- Commercial Diving Operations
Purpose: This instruction provides Oregon OSHA’s offices; industry employer, and employee groups with guidance concerning Oregon OSHA’s policy and procedures on the enforcement of safety and health standards for commercial diving.
A-261 10/29/2013
- Compressed Gas: Securing Compressed Gas Cylinders
Purpose: This directive clarifies the application of 1926.350(a)(9).
A-186 02/02/2017
- Confined Spaces and Permit Required Confined Spaces in General Industry and Construction
Purpose: This instruction establishes enforcement policy and provides explanation of the standard to ensure uniform enforcement.
A-062 12/31/2014
- Construction Safety and Health Program Review
Purpose: This directive clarifies the citation policy and provides a checklist for
evaluating 1926.20, General Safety and Health Provisions; 1926.21,
Safety Training and Education; and 1926.23, First Aid and Medical
A-152 10/11/2012
- Control of Hazardous Energy – Enforcement Policy and Inspection Procedures (Lockout/Tagout)
Purpose: This directive establishes OR-OSHA's enforcement policy for its standards addressing the control of hazardous energy. It instructs OR-OSHA enforcement personnel on both the agency's interpretations of those standards, and on the procedures for enforcing them.
A-156 12/12/2016
- Cotton Dust
Purpose: This directive will inform OR-OSHA staff of the existence of a federal
program directive.
A-187 09/14/2000
- Cranes and Derricks: Normal Operating Conditions
Purpose: To provide an interpretation of the term "normal operating conditions" as applicable to the crane and derrick rules in general industry.
A-127 05/04/2011
- Drains on Air Receivers
Purpose: To provide guidelines for issuance of citations for violation of drain
requirements for air receivers.
A-026 03/09/2001
- Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Facilities
Purpose: This guide provides inspection assistance related to 1910.269 and a glossary of industry terms to assist OR-OSHA staff performing inspections and consultations at electric power generation, transmission, and distribution facilities.
A-212 02/03/2017
- Electrical Equipment Used in Wetwells
Purpose: To provide guidelines for determining the appropriate type of electrical
equipment for use in confined spaces containing waste water with organic
A-074 03/09/2001
- Electrical Product Approval
Purpose: The purpose of this directive is to inform all Oregon OSHA personnel of recognized Electrical Testing Laboratories.
A-022 01/16/2013
- Electrical Safety
Purpose: To provide inspection guidelines relating to OR-OSHA's rules addressing
work practices and procedures for electrical safety.
A-164 10/21/1993
- Enforcement Procedures for Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde (A-159)
Purpose: This instruction provides uniform inspection procedures and guidelines to
be followed when conducting inspections and issuing citations for workers
potentially exposed to formaldehyde.
A-159 06/29/2017
- Excavation Standards
Purpose: This instruction is intended to serve as a standard-specific reference for Oregon OSHA Compliance Safety and Health Officers (CSHOs) regarding the application of Subdivision P of 29 CFR Part 1926, providing supplemental compliance inspection guidance and citation policies.
A-176 11/01/2022
- Explosive Materials and Pyrotechnics: Compliance Policy for Manufacture, Storage, Sale, Handling, Use and Display
Purpose: To provide a comprehensive compliance policy for the inspection of workplaces involved in the manufacturing, storage, sale, handling, use and display of pyrotechnics and all other explosive materials.
A-286 12/20/2016
- Exposure and Medical Records: Storage & Retention
Purpose: To define and provide guidance as to the storage or retention location of
required exposure or medical records.
A-091 06/29/2000
- Eyewash and Safety Showers
Purpose: This directive provides guidelines for determining when an eyewash and/or safety shower is required and for assessing the adequacy of such facilities.
A-063 01/24/2011
- Fall Protection: Aerial Lifts Used in Construction
Purpose: This directive clarifies the requirement for fall protection when employees are using aerial lifts, in construction, as described in the above ANSI/SAI standards, Oregon OSHA rules, and this directive to ensure uniform enforcement of the rules.
A-242 02/28/2007
- Fall Protection: General Industry
Purpose: To clarify the applicability of 1910.23(c)(1) and (3), and OAR 437-002-0134(5) where employees are exposed to fall hazards.
A-197 11/01/2017
- Fall Protection: Hoisting Employees during Communication Tower Work Activities
Purpose: This instruction establishes the inspection policy and procedures to ensure uniform enforcement of provisions addressing work activities that involve hoisting employees to and from workstations on communication towers using a personnel hoist.
A-294 03/26/2020
- First Aid And CPR Training For Forest Activities Workers
Purpose: This directive provides guidelines for determining if the number and location of first aid and CPR trained people are adequate at forest activities operations to provide care in a timely manner.
A-254 05/24/2004
- Flammable Liquids: Aboveground Tanks
Purpose: This instruction emphasizes that 1910.106(g)(1)(i)(a) does not apply, and therefore cannot be used, to prohibit outside aboveground tank storage of motor fuels not located at service station sites.
A-115 11/24/2014
- Flammable Liquids: Polyethylene Containers
Purpose: To allow the use of Department of Transportation (DOT) 34 Polyethylene containers for storing flammable liquids at inside storage areas under certain conditions.
A-048 11/24/2014
- Flammable Liquids: Storage
Purpose: This instruction provides guidelines for citing alleged violations resulting from the requirements of 1910.106 (e)(2)(ii)(b).
A-108 11/24/2014
- Flammable Liquids: Use & Storage
Purpose: To provide additional information on the application of 1910.106(d)(4).
A-017 11/24/2014
- Focused Inspections In Construction
Purpose: This directive establishes Oregon OSHA’s policy for conducting focused construction inspections of employers that have been recognized by trade associations within the construction industry for their workplace safety and health programs.
A-264 03/06/2025
- Forging Machines
Purpose: Several situations have arisen where alleged violations of hot forging
operations have been cited under 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(3). Specific
standards exist which cover the operations in Division 2 under Forging
A-077 03/09/2001
- Grain Handling Facilities
Purpose: This instruction provides guidelines for inspections conducted in grain
handling facilities and clarifications of 1910.272.
A-189 04/25/2011
- Guarding: Power Transmission Belts
Purpose: To provide clarification of the application of "enclosed" and "fully
enclosed" as applying to power transmission belts, and guarding by
A-051 03/09/2001
- Guarding: Alternative Methods for the Oil and Gas Drilllling Industry
Purpose: This directive provides guidelines for the use of certain monitoring
techniques to comply with 1910.212(a)(1) and 1910.212(a)(2) in the oil
and gas drilling industry.
A-139 06/26/2001
- Guarding: Awareness Barriers Metal Cutting Shears
Purpose: This instruction provides guidance for applying awareness barrier
safeguards as installed on metal cutting shears.
A-193 02/12/2007
- Guarding: Cut-Off Wheels and Masonry Saws
Purpose: To provide guidelines for citing violations related to guards for cutoff wheels and masonry saws used in General Industry and Construction.
A-031 12/06/2012
- Guarding: Inclined Belts on Light and Medium Duty Sewing Machines
Purpose: To provide a uniform means of evaluating the nip point and moving belt hazard on light and medium duty sewing machines such as those used in apparel manufacturing of light-weight materials.
A-015 01/14/2013
- Guarding: Metal Lathe Chucks (Engine Lathes)
Purpose: To establish criteria for determining when guarding should be required for metal lathe chucks.
A-236 08/25/2005
- Guarding: Portable Abrasive Grinders When Used for Internal Grinding
Purpose: To clarify the intent of the affected rules.
A-120 03/09/2001
- Guarding: Portable Belt Sanding Machines
Purpose: To inform OR-OSHA staff of the existence of a federal program directive.
A-192 03/27/2001
- Guarding: Power Press Brakes
Purpose: This instruction provides guidelines the guarding requirements for power press brakes. When guarding by barriers or physical devices is infeasible, guarding by "safe distance" is permitted if the employer meets conditions outlined below.
A-217 05/14/2013
- Guarding: Radial Arm Saws
Purpose: To clarify what constitutes an acceptable guard in the enforcement of
radial arm saw guarding.
A-038 03/08/2001
- Guarding: Scissor Lift
Purpose: To provide guidelines for guarding scissor lifts.
A-110 03/09/2001
- Guarding: Three-Roller Printing Ink Mills
Purpose: The purpose of this instruction is to clarify the guarding requirements of
the subject standard relative to the ingoing nip point on three-roller
printing ink mills and to assure uniformity in the enforcement of the
standard statewide.
A-209 06/04/2001
- Guarding: Tongue Guards on Grinding Wheels
Purpose: This program directive addresses the issue of which rules to cite when
tongue guards are missing or out of adjustment, and work rests are missing
or out of adjustment, on bench or pedestal grinders used in General Industry
and in Construction.
A-084 08/12/2009
- Guarding: Woodworking Machinery
Purpose: To provide guidance in the application of 1910.213 (d)(1) and
1910.213(g)(1) by specifying the degree of violation for manually adjusted
guards for hand-fed ripsaws and swing cutoff saws.
A-107 03/13/2001
- Guardrail Height in General Industry
Purpose: This instruction provides guidance for the equitable enforcement of 1910.23(e)(1) as it pertains to the acceptable height of guardrails.
A-173 03/16/2018
- Guidelines for Scheduling and Conducting Inspections of Agriculture Labor Housing
Purpose: To establish and implement procedures and guidelines for inspecting agricultural labor housing by Oregon OSHA personnel.
A-222 12/12/2018
- Handrails and Railings in General Industry
Purpose: The purpose of this directive is to provide guidelines when evaluating the
clearance between railings and walls or other objects.
A-067 03/16/2018
- Hazard Communication
Purpose: This directive establishes policies and provides clarification to ensure uniform application of the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS).
A-150 01/07/2016
- Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response: Post-Emergency Response Operations
Purpose: This instruction provides procedures for ensuring uniform application of training requirements under the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response standard for employees involved in post-emergency response operations.
A-160 10/10/2012
- Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response: Responding to Hazardous Substance Releases
Purpose: This directive updates policies and provides clarification to ensure uniform enforcement of paragraph (q) of the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response standard (HAZWOPER).
A-206 03/01/2008
- Hydrofluoric Acid and Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
Purpose: To warn of the hazards involved in the use of HF solutions and give guidance in the evaluation of protective measures.
A-204 02/27/2020
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): OR-OSHA Procedures for Assessing and Responding to Complaints and Employer Requests for Assistance
Purpose: This directive establishes a policy for handling complaints and employer requests for assistance regarding problems with IAQ in any building, and provides guidelines to be used when evaluating IAQ concerns.
A-252 06/29/2017
- Industrial Trucks: Chocking Tractor Trailers
Purpose: To establish policy for uniform enforcement of the above rules.
A-190 08/08/2008
- Industrial Trucks: Class II, Division 2 Locations
Purpose: To resolve a disparity between 1910.178(c)(vi)(a) and Table N-1.
A-044 04/02/2001
- Industrial Trucks: Opening or Closing Railroad Freight Car Doors
Purpose: To give guidelines on citing 1910.178(m)(6), Powered Industrial Trucks,
when trucks are used as door opening devices for opening or closing
railroad freight car doors.
A-053 03/09/2001
- Inorganic Arsenic
Purpose: This directive provides guidelines and establishes uniform inspection and compliance procedures for the occupational exposure standard for arsenic and arsenic-containing, inorganic compounds.
A-185 09/20/2018
- Inspection and Citation Guidance for Cranes and Derricks in Construction
This program directive is intended to serve as a standard-specific reference for Oregon OSHA compliance officers regarding the application of Oregon Administrative Rules within Division 3, Subdivision CC, providing supplemental compliance inspection guidance and recommended citation policies for complex requirements.
A-296 10/14/2022
- Inspection and Citation Guidance for Roadway and Highway Work Zones
Purpose: To provide guidance to compliance safety and health officers (CSHOs) on how to conduct safety and health inspections of workplaces involved in construction, maintenance, or utility work activities on or near roadways and highways (hereinafter "work zones") where public or site operation vehicular traffic exposes workers to struck-by hazards.
A-290 09/15/2021
- Inspection Criteria: Complaint Policies and Procedures
Purpose: This Program Directive (PD) establishes policies and procedures for handling complaints relating to workplace safety and health conditions.
A-219 09/22/2009
- Inspection Criteria: Construction and Forest Activities Safety Inspections
Purpose: This program directive provides guidelines for the safety enforcement staff when conducting programmed inspections of construction and forest activities employers on the safety scheduling lists.
A-247 08/11/2015
- Inspection Criteria: Inspection Exemption for Agricultural Small Employers
Purpose: Provide guidance to assist the compliance officer in determining when an agriculture employer meets the inspection exemption requirements of OAR 437-001-0057(12).
A-214 05/04/2015
- Inspection Criteria: Random Construction Inspections
Purpose: To provide guidance in determining when a construction site or employer will be subject to a random safety construction inspection from the Random Scheduling List.
A-248 07/22/2014
- Inspection Criteria: Scheduling Lists for Safety and Health Inspections
Purpose: This Program Directive explains how the safety and health scheduling lists
will be created and the criteria and ranking factors that will be used to
identify the places of employment the Director believes to be the most
unsafe in the state of Oregon.
A-244 01/24/2025
- Inspection Criteria: State-Wide Settlement Agreements
Purpose: This directive provides policy and guidance for administering state-wide settlement agreements.
A-163 09/20/2018
- Insurers, Self-Insured Employers and Self-Insured Group Inspections
Purpose: Insurers, self-insured employers and self-insured groups will be inspected to ensure compliance with ORS 654.097 and OAR 437-001-1005 through 1065. This policy provides guidelines for conducting the inspections.
A-292 12/03/2014
- Intrinsically Safe Equipment in Potentially Explosive Environments
Purpose: This directive designates inspection equipment recommended for use in
potentially explosive Class II, Group G, Division 1, DUST environments.
A-003 07/27/2001
- Jurisdiction: Independent Contractors, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships and Corporate Officers.
Purpose: This directive provides inspection assistance related to Oregon OSHA jurisdiction over independent contractors, LLCs, partnerships, corporate officers, and corporate family farms. This program directive replaces PD-210.
A-231 11/17/2015
- Jurisdiction: Mine Safety and Health Administration
Purpose: To clarify who has jurisdiction over the mining industry.
A-114 03/21/2001
- Jurisdiction: OSHA and U.S. Coast Guard Authority Over Vessels
Purpose: To inform OR-OSHA staff of the existence of a federal program directive.
A-228 08/25/2005
- Ladders: Fixed Ladders used on Outdoor Advertising Structures and Billboards
Purpose: This is to inform Oregon OSHA staffs of a federal OSHA Instruction STD 01-01.014, which must be used by Oregon OSHA personnel when inspecting employees performing work on billboards and related equipment.
A-178 06/15/2018
- Ladders: Fixed Ladders Used Only for Emergency Evacuations
Purpose: To establish Oregon OSHA’s position on the applicability of fall protection requirements under 1910.28(b)(9)(i)(A) – (D) and 1926.1053(a)(18) & (19) for fixed ladders used only for emergency evacuations.
A-142 05/29/2018
- Ladders: Manhole Metal Ladders for Telecommunications Workers
Purpose: Portable Ladders: Manhole Metal Ladders for Telecommunication Activities
A-033 05/29/2018
- Ladders: Manhole Steps in Manholes
To clarify the applicability of 1910.24(b), Manhole Steps, where employees use manhole steps in walls and conical top sections of manholes.
A-021 05/29/2018
- Laser Inspection Guidelines
Purpose: This directive provides policy guidance affecting the use of Class
IIIB and Class IV lasers and enforcement policy related to these
laser classifications when used in general industry and construction.
A-285 01/09/2012
- Lead: Brass and Bronze Ingot Manufacturing Industry Compliance Requirements
Purpose: This instruction changes compliance requirements and compliance dates for
enforcement of the engineering and work practice controls provisions of the Lead
Standard (29 CFR 1910.1025(e)(1)) in the brass and bronze ingot manufacturing
A-230 01/30/2001
- Lead: Exposures in Construction
Purpose: This instruction provides uniform inspection and compliance guidance
for lead exposure in construction, 1926.62, Lead, effective in Oregon
on November 1, 1993.
A-208 06/07/2005
- Lead: Guidance for Prophylactic Chelation
Purpose: To transmit instructions to compliance officers concerning the appropriate
action to be taken with regard to evidence of prophylactic chelation
therapy among lead exposed workers.
A-010 05/08/2000
- Lift-Slab Construction Operations
Purpose: This instruction establishes policies and provides clarification to ensure
uniform enforcement of the Lift-Slab Construction Operations Standard.
A-162 06/26/2001
- Lighting
Purpose: To provide information for the evaluation of the safety and adequacy of
lighting in the workplace.
A-066 02/22/2001
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Cannabis Processing
Purpose: Instruction containing policies and procedures for inspecting workplaces that process cannabis. Covers processes in Division 4 Agricultural rules, and Division 2 General Industry rules.
A-307 12/13/2024
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Diisocyanates
Purpose: This directive describes policies and procedures for implementing a local emphasis program (LEP) to identify, reduce or eliminate the workplace incidence of adverse health hazards associated occupational exposure to isocyanates and to establish neutral administrative standards to select employers in those industries for health inspections.
A-256 01/20/2017
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Falls In All Industries
Purpose: This instruction describes state Local Emphasis Program (LEP) to reduce or eliminate serious injuries and fatalities associated with falls to a lower level while working at heights in all industries covered under Oregon OSHA’s jurisdiction.
A-239 11/27/2023
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Field Sanitation
Purpose: To establish and implement an LEP for field sanitation inspections
and to provide guidelines for the inspection of agricultural establishments covered by the Field Sanitation Standard in Division 4, Agriculture.
A-174 08/11/2011
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Hospitals and nursing and residential care facilities
Purpose: This instruction describes policies and procedures for enforcement efforts to reduce occupational illness and injury in hospitals and nursing and residential care facilities in NAICS 622 Hospitals, 6231 Nursing Care Facilities, 6232 Residential Mental Retardation, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities, 6233 Community Care Facilities for the Elderly, and 6239 Other Residential Care Facilities that are on the A or B tier of the Safety and Health scheduling lists.
A-284 11/08/2022
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Pesticides
Purpose: To establish methods the enforcement staff will use to provide effective, efficient and consistent enforcement inspections in the variety of occupational sites where pesticides are made, used and stored.
A-235 02/28/2018
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Preventing Heat Related Illness
Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Preventing Heat-Related Illness and guidance on Heat Illness Prevention rules 437-002-0156 and 437-004-1131.
A-299 06/09/2023
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Struck-by Hazards in the Logging Industry
Purpose: This directive describes policies and procedures for implementing a Local Emphasis Program (LEP) to reduce the incidence of serious injuries and fatalities in the logging industry resulting from occupational exposure to struck-by hazards.
A-245 10/12/2016
- Local Emphasis Program (LEP): Tethered Logging
This directive describes the policies and procedures for implementing a Local Emphasis Program (LEP) to identify and ensure tethered logging operations comply with steep slope requirements under 437-007-0935 (Operation of Ground Skidding Machines and Vehicles), stability limits specified by machine manufacturers (if any), or the provisions within an approved and active research variance.
A-298 11/02/2022
- Machine Guarding: Mechanical Power Presses
Purpose: To aid in the recognition and applicability of 1910.212 and 1910.217 as they relate to mechanical power presses, platen presses, iron workers, press brakes, and other similarly configured machinery.
A-291 11/13/2013
- Maritime Guidelines for Confined and Enclosed Spaces and Other Dangerous Atmospheres in Shipyards
Purpose: To provide instructions to all Oregon OSHA personnel related to federal OSHA’s CPL 02-01-051 that provides current policy, procedures, information, and guidance to ensure uniform enforcement of 1915, Subpart B in shipyard employment.
A-289 11/21/2019
- Maritime Guidelines for Enforcing Personal Protective Equipment Requirements
Purpose: Federal OSHA’s CPL 02-01-049 provides current policy, procedures, information and guidance to ensure uniform enforcement of 1915, Subpart I, personal protective equipment in shipyard employment. This directive informs Oregon-OSHA staff of the existence of a federal compliance directive.
A-281 11/21/2019
- Maritime: Cargo Gear Regulations and Requirements for Gear Certification
Purpose: To inform Oregon OSHA staff of the existence of federal program directive CPL 02-01-055 concerning OSHA’s policy and procedures on the enforcement of cargo gear standards and the requirements for 29 CFR 1919 Gear Certification in the maritime industry (shipyard employment, marine terminals and longshoring operations).
A-188 10/29/2013
- Maritime: OAR 437-03-1926.605(a)(1) as Applied to Marine Construction
Purpose: This directive is to inform OR-OSHA staff of the existence of federal
Program Directive STD 3-13.2.
A-196 03/27/2001
- Maritime: Settlement Agreement Between the National Grain and Feed Association, Inc., and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor
Purpose: This directive is to inform Oregon OSHA staff of the existence of a federal program directive.
A-198 08/28/2012
- Maritime: Shipyard Employment "Tool Bag" Directive
Purpose: This directive is to inform Oregon OSHA staff of the existence of federal
CPL 02-00-157, Shipyard Employment "Tool Bag" Directive, 4/01/2014.
A-293 11/21/2019
- Meat Tenderizing Technology in the Meat Packing Industry
Purpose: This instruction provides guidelines for inspection of possible electrically
hazardous conditions associated with a meat tenderizing technology being
introduced into the meat packing industry.
A-181 08/15/2000
- Medical Examinations: Employee Refusal to Have Required Medical Examination or Annual Audiogram
Purpose: To instruct compliance officers on action to be taken if an employee
refuses to have a required medical examination or annual audiogram.
A-058 05/15/2000
- Medical Examinations: Rehired Employees
Purpose: To give guidance to compliance officers and employers on the
requirements for initial employment and periodic examinations for
employees who are rehired after a period of absence.
A-101 06/29/2000
- Medical records access by Oregon OSHA
Purpose: Oregon OSHA's access to employee medical records.
A-266 02/11/2009
- Medical Surveillance Programs that Require Genetic information
Purpose: This directive provides an interpretation of health standards that require
medical surveillance programs specifying a medical history with family and
occupational background, including genetic and environmental factors.
A-184 06/29/2009
- Memorandum of Understanding Between Federal OSHA and Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division, OSHA Instruction CPL 2.92
Purpose: This directive is to inform OR-OSHA staff of the existence of an
agreement between Federal OSHA and ESA concerning jurisdiction and
referral methods for observed violations of labor and safety rules.
A-170 10/21/1993
- Memorandum of Understanding Between the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Oregon OSHA, and the United States Coast Guard
Purpose: To inform Oregon OSHA staff of the existence of federal program
A-195 04/12/2012
- Metal Waste Cans
Purpose: The purpose of this directive is to give guidance on citing for the use of approved nonmetallic waste cans, where the Oregon OSHA rule requires a metal waste can.
A-050 11/24/2014
- Methylene Chloride
Purpose: This instruction establishes policies and provides clarification to ensure
uniform enforcement of the Occupational Exposure to Methylene Chloride
Standard, OAR 437-002-1910.1052, and OAR 437-003-1926.1152.
A-221 02/07/2002
- Multi-employer Workplace Citation Guidelines
Purpose: These guidelines provide directions to compliance officers on how to issue citations at multi-employer worksites.
A-257 12/15/2006
- National Emphasis Program (NEP) on Amputations
Purpose: This directive describes policies and procedures for implementing a National Emphasis Program (NEP) to identify and reduce workplace machinery and equipment hazards which may cause amputations.
A-280 06/01/2020
- National Emphasis Program (NEP): Combustible Dust
Purpose: This instruction contains policies and procedures for inspecting workplaces that have combustible dusts that are likely to cause dust deflagrations, other fires, or explosions.
A-268 07/02/2024
- National Emphasis Program (NEP): Hexavalent Chromium
Purpose: This directive describes policies and procedures for implementing a national emphasis program (NEP) in Oregon to identify and reduce or eliminate the health hazards associated with occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium and other toxic substances often found in conjunction with hexavalent chromium.
A-278 08/18/2010
- National Emphasis Program (NEP): Lead in general industry and construction
Purpose: This instruction describes policies and procedures for implementing a national emphasis program (NEP) to reduce occupational exposures to lead in accordance with the provisions of the Field Information Reference Manual (FIRM).
A-273 06/29/2017
- National Emphasis Program (NEP): Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Purpose: This program directive establishes uniform policies, procedures, standard clarifications, and compliance guidance for enforcement of the standard for Process Safety Management (PSM) of Highly Hazardous Chemicals, 1910.119 and amendments to the standard for Explosives and Blasting Agents, 1910.109.
A-177 07/24/2024
- National Emphasis Program (NEP): Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP)
Purpose: To provide enforcement policies and procedures for Oregon OSHA’s Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP).
A-277 02/22/2019
- National Emphasis Program (NEP): Trenching and Excavation
Purpose: To establish a National Emphasis program for the programmed safety inspection of trenching and excavation operations.
A-265 01/03/2019
- Oil-Well: Transporting Select Fire Perforating Guns
Purpose: To provide guidelines for evaluating compliance with 1910.109(b)(1)
when transporting specially designed and equipped select fire oil-well
perforating guns with detonators affixed under certain conditions.
A-151 05/25/2001
- Pile Driving Clarification: Tying Off Loft-Workers, Top-Men, and/or Pile-Monks
Purpose: The purpose of this directive is to clarify the application of 1926.603(a)(8) as it relates to tying off employees using work platforms or stirrups on sheet piling.
A-024 01/16/2013
- Polychlorinated Bithenyls (PCBs) Exposures
Purpose: This directive outlines rules applicable to exposures to PCBs.
A-008 01/14/2013
- Power Presses: Presence Sensing Device Initiation
Purpose: This directive describes OR-OSHA’s response to Federal OSHA’s
adoption of third party certification rules for PSDI equipment.
A-229 08/25/2005
- PPE: Foundries
Purpose: Provide guidelines for the interpretation, application and
compliance evaluation of Division 2/I, OAR 437-002-0134
Personal Protective Equipment.
A-113 01/25/2012
- PPE: General Industry
Purpose: This directive provides policy guidance related to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) standards in Division 2, Subdivision I. The standards address the selection, use and maintenance of PPE as well as the obligation to pay for PPE.
A-211 11/27/2012
- PPE: Head Protection
Purpose: To provide guidelines for the interpretation and application of OAR
A-098 01/25/2012
- PPE: Laundering Fire-Resistive Coats (Turnouts)
Purpose: This directive recognizes the variation to the washing cycle requirements
referenced in OAR 437-02-1910.156(e)(3)(ii).
A-137 06/29/2000
- PPE: Meat Cutters in Food Stores
Purpose: The purpose of this directive is to clarify the application of the personal
protective equipment standard to cutting hazards found in meat
departments in retail food stores.
A-036 01/25/2012
- Programmed Inspection for Cause
This instruction offers guidance to enforcement personnel on "programmed inspections for cause," relating to priority and scheduling of inspections and closing conference.
A-304 01/19/2024
- Proof Testing: Alloy Steel Chain Slings
Purpose: To inform OR-OSHA staff of the existence of federal interpretations on
several subjects.
A-194 04/11/2000
- Radiation: Inspecting NRC - Licensed Nuclear Facilities
Purpose: This directive is to inform OR-OSHA staff of the existence of a federal
Memo of Understanding between OSHA and the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission and OR-OSHA's involvement with it.
A-201 01/18/2008
- Recordkeeping Policies and Procedures Manual (300 Log)
Purpose: This instruction gives enforcement information on Oregon OSHA’s recordkeeping regulation OAR 437-001-0700.
A-249 09/10/2018
- Recordkeeping Requirements for Railroad Facilities
Purpose: To establish enforcement policy with respect to the over- lapping
recordkeeping requirements of OR-OSHA and the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA).
A-060 05/25/2001
- Recreational Boat Building Industry
Purpose: This directive provides guidance concerning policies and procedures on
the enforcement of the OR-OSHA standards for Shipyard Employment
and the General Industry Standards in the recreational boat building
A-250 08/25/2005
- Reporting Fatalities and Injuries to Oregon OSHA
Purpose: This instruction gives enforcement information on Oregon OSHA’s reporting regulation OAR 437-001-0704.
A-297 12/13/2024
- Respiratory Protection: Bureau of Mines Approved Gas Mask Canisters
Purpose: To alert OR-OSHA personnel of the potential hazard of wearing Bureau of
Mines approved gas mask canisters for protection from certain toxic
A-167 06/29/2000
- Respiratory Protection: General Guidelines
Purpose: This instruction establishes agency interpretations and enforcement policies, and provides instructions to ensure uniform enforcement of the Respiratory Protection Standard, 1910.134.
A-233 12/22/2014
- Respiratory Protection: Possible Defects on Scott Air Pak Il/IIA and Presur-Pak Il/IIA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
Purpose: To remind users of possible defects in the above-mentioned Scott SCBAs
and to inform them of procedures for verifying proper operation of the
A-166 09/14/2000
- Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS): Minimum Performance Criteria
Purpose: To give direction to all compliance personnel concerning acceptable roll-over protective structures.
A-019 01/14/2013
- Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS: Agricultural Tractors)
Purpose: A. To provide a specific clarification on the definition of "20 engine
horsepower" as used in the definition of agricultural tractor.
B. To exempt rubber-tired skid-steer equipment used in agricultural
operations from the Roll-over Protective Structures (ROPS)
A-032 08/15/2007
- Safety of Health Care Employees
Purpose: This directive provides guidance to Oregon OSHA staff on the
implementation of the laws and rules addressing the safety of healthcare employees and the requirement for recording health care assaults.
A-267 05/19/2008
- Scaffolds in Construction
Purpose: This instruction establishes inspection procedures and provides clarification to ensure uniform enforcement of the scaffold standards for construction.
A-218 10/28/2020
- Silica
Purpose: This directive establishes Oregon OSHA’s field inspection procedures designed to ensure uniformity when addressing silica exposures in the workplace for enforcement and consultation activities.
A-300 07/19/2019
- Slide-lock use to control hazardous energy on machinery
Purpose: This instruction establishes enforcement policies, inspection procedures and performance guideline criteria for the safe design, construction, installation, testing, maintenance and use of slide-locks used for the control of hazardous energy on machinery.
A-263 03/04/2015
- Spray Finishing: Assessing Fire Safety and Industrial Hygiene Issues
Purpose: This directive provides guidance for identifying the hazards of spray finishing, and evaluating spray booths and engineering controls for overexposures.
A-243 05/13/2015
- Steel Erection Standards for Construction
Purpose: This instruction describes Oregon OSHA’s inspection policy and provides clarification to ensure uniform application by field personnel of the steel erection standards for construction.
A-251 01/30/2015
- Toilet Facilities: Reasonable Access
Purpose: To provide guidance in interpretation of rules pertaining to location and accessibility of toilet facilities.
A-097 07/03/2018
- Tools: Powder Actuated Fastening
Purpose: To provide specific interpretation as to when magazine-fed, explosive power-operated hand tools are considered loaded.
A-023 01/16/2013
- Transporting Blasting Caps with Other Explosives
Purpose: Guidelines for evaluating compliance with 1926.902(d).
A-093 08/15/2000
- Tuberculosis: Enforcement Procedures and Scheduling for Occupational Exposure
Purpose: This instruction provides uniform inspection procedures and guidelines when conducting inspections and issuing citations under ORS 654, the Oregon Safe Employment Act, and pertinent standards for employees who are occupationally exposed to tuberculosis.
A-215 09/10/2018
- Underground Utility Installations: Inspection and Citation Guidance
This program directive provides compliance safety and health officers guidance on conducting inspections of workplaces involved in construction, maintenance, and utility work activities associated with underground utility installations.
A-303 05/02/2022
- Vehicles: Positive Means of Support for Vehicles with Dump Bodies
Purpose: To provide instructions for the enforcement of the affected codes and determining the severity of the violation.
A-089 01/24/2017
- Victim's Family Communication: Oregon OSHA Fatality Inspection Procedures
Purpose: To provide guidance to ensure Oregon OSHA communicates its fatality inspection procedures to the victim’s family and facilitates the exchange of information throughout the entire inspection process.
A-287 07/10/2024
- Voluntary Protection Program Policies and Procedures Manual
Purpose: Policies and Procedures Manual for administering the Oregon Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP).
A-241 11/17/2022
- Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations
Policies and procedures when conducting comprehensive safety inspections in warehousing and distribution center operations, parcel delivery/courier services, and certain high injury rate retail establishments.
A-305 12/29/2023
- Welding, Cutting and Heat Treating Operations in Tunnels and Shafts
Purpose: To establish guidelines for compliance personnel to use in the enforcement
of 29 CFR 1926.800(m)(5)(i) in the context of the rules described in the
following paragraphs which permit gas welding and cutting underground
under carefully circumscribed conditions.
A-075 05/04/2000
- Welding, Cutting, or Heating Metals Coated with Lead Based Paint
Purpose: This directive explains the requirements imposed by rules 1926.353(c)(1) through 1926.354 when welding, cutting, or heating is performed in an enclosed space on metals coated with lead-bearing paint.
A-009 06/06/2000
- Whistleblower Investigations Manual
This outlines procedures and information relative to the handling of retaliation complaints under the whistleblower provisions in 11(c) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
A-288 02/29/2024
- Wood Preservatives Containing Chlorinated Phenols
Purpose: This directive provides information and guidelines for evaluating personal
protective measures and safe handling practices for employees exposed to
wood preservatives containing chlorinated phenols.
A-203 09/14/2000
- Worker Inspection Criteria: Temporary Service Providers and Leasing Companies
Purpose: To provide guidance to Oregon OSHA staff when working with temporary service providers and worker leasing companies.
A-246 12/17/2015
- Workplace Violence Incidents-Enforcement Procedures for Investigating or Inspecting
Purpose: The purpose of this instruction is to provide general policies and procedures that apply when workplace violence is identified as a hazard while conducting an inspection at worksites in industries with a high incidence of workplace violence and when responding to complaints, referrals and accidents where workplace violence is an issue.
A-283 05/31/2017
- Workplace Water Quality Standards
Purpose: This directive establishes field procedures for Oregon OSHA staff who will evaluate the adequacy of potable water from drinking water sources such as public or private water systems, wells or springs.
A-237 04/15/2019
- Writing Program Directives
Purpose: To provide instructions to all Oregon OSHA personnel in developing and
revising program directives.
A-000 01/19/2010